Customer Testimonials:
*Solidus dynamic testing virtually eliminated our customer returns.
*Director of Quality requires all our MEMS sensors to go through Solidus Testers.
*Package test yields have gone from 85% to 99%+.
*Wafer Fab Manager insisted on Solidus system in the FAB as a quality gate.
*Design Engineer: “The data from the Solidus test system is the only tester data I have ever seen which match my gyro simulations”.
*After using the Solidus testers for more than a year we have decided to send all our MEMS product through the test systems.
*The systems improve our quality and we find more product defects and it helps keeping our fabrication processes in control.
*The wafer level testing with the solidus systems was key in fixing our gyro designs before product launch.
*Wafer sorting by performance of our MEMS devices was key to achieving our goal of no physical stimulus at final package test.